Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Prequel Trilogy Is Better Than You Remember
No, Jar Jar Binks will definitely not be making an appearance on this list.

Star Wars is widely considered to be one of the greatest entertainment franchises ever created, consisting of movies, TV shows, video games, and so much more.
The Skywalker Saga has now come to a close after nine films, beginning all the way back in 1977, and ending with The Rise of Skywalker. While the sequel trilogy doesn't receive as much love as the originals, it's hard to argue with the fact that the epic tale of a galaxy far, far away has left a lasting impression on audiences, and created some truly iconic characters.
Of the nine films, three of them have been going through a bit of a resurgence as of late. The release of the Obi-Wan Kenobi limited series has shone the spotlight on the prequel trilogy and fans have finally been showing those pictures the love and respect they always deserved.
While there are some blemishes (you definitely won't be seeing Jar Jar Binks on this list), there is a lot to love in these films, and they really do make a great addition to the Star Wars universe.
10. The Clone And Droid Armies

The Clone Wars era of the Star Wars universe was hinted at in A New Hope, and the prequel trilogy dives head first in to it with both the clone army of the Galactic Republic and the Separatist's droid army on full display.
The clones are instantly likeable, and despite their identical genetic makeup, each have their own distinct personalities and it's difficult not to become attached to them. They don't feel like clones, but rather individuals that are fighting for justice. The trust that Obi-Wan has in Commander Cody for example, only serves to make Order 66 even more gut-wrenching. Watching Anakin storm the Jedi Temple alongside the 501st Legion depicts them in a way more akin to the traditional stormtroopers that will eventually replace them.
Even the battle droids are a fun addition and offer some of the funniest moments in the entire Skywalker Saga. They manage to walk the line between being easy fodder for the Jedi to cut down with ease, and still presenting a menacing threat to the Republic thanks to their vast numbers. Not only that, but variations such as the super battle droid, droidekas, and vulture droids offer a variety to the army that helps keep things fresh.
The prequels contain a wealth of quotes that have become memes and will live on forever, and "Roger, Roger" definitely earns that credit.