Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of Cloud City You Need To Know

7. The Ugnaughts Keep Everything Working

star wars cloud city

As Darth Vader's forces freeze Han Solo in carbonite, several small pig-men called Ugnaughts can be seen operating the machinery. Because these creatures are mainly in the background and have no dialogue, you'd assume they're not particularly important. But, as it will become abundantly clear in this list, everyone and everything in Star Wars has an unnecessarily complex backstory.

When the explorer, Lord Ecclessis Figg, devised the idea of building Cloud City, he asked the Ugnaught tribes to work on its construction, since they were known for performing monotonous tasks skilfully for an extended period of time. Because the Ugnaughts' territory was being taken over by The Galactic Empire at the same time, they agreed to Figg's terms to avoid their people being enslaved by Imperial troops.

But when Darth Vader seized Cloud City, the Ugnaughts were forced to work with The Empire against their will. Even though these porcine critters turned Han Solo into a popsicle and tried to melt C-3PO into slag, the Ugnaughts aren't evil. Like many creatures throughout the galaxy, they just do what they must to survive.

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