Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of Cloud City You Need To Know

3. The Actors Were Drunk In Their Cloud City Scenes

star wars cloud city

While filming The Empire Strikes Back, Carrie Fisher stayed at one of Eric Idle's flats for five months. When The Rolling Stones came over, Fisher invited her co-star, Harrison Ford, because hey, who doesn't want to party with Keith Richards? Even though Fisher was allergic to alcohol and Ford wasn't much of a drinker, they knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and so, got smashed with the legendary musicians and the Monty Python comedian throughout the night.

The following morning, Fisher and Ford headed straight to the set and filmed the scene where their characters arrive in Cloud City. If you thought the actors were hungover, it's worse than that.

Since they hadn't slept a wink, Fisher and Ford were completely drunk while performing their scenes! (Considering they consumed a beverage known as the Tunisian Death Drink, it was no surprise it took a while for the effects of the alcohol to wear off.) So, if you wondered why Princess Leia and Han Solo seemed giddier than usual when they meet Lando, it's because the actors were totally hammered.

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