Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of The Millennium Falcon You Need To Know
3. The Secret Behind The Falcon's Durability Is Corellian Construction
But the Falcon's longevity isn't merely a happy "because movie" contrivance: it's actually tacitly explained by the nature of the ship's construction.
Though the series has never confirmed the metals from which the Falcon is built, it's clearly far and away more durable than the materials used to create a real-life aircraft.
But the "special sauce," if you like, is the fact that the ship was constructed by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, which is reputed throughout the galaxy for the extremely tough and reliable build quality of their vessels.
Though we know that the Falcon's armour is a durasteel shell, beyond that the precise composition remains a mystery, but with the Corellians calling the shots, you know it's going to be both insanely sturdy and improbably long-lasting.