Star Wars: 10 Secrets Of The Stormtrooper You Didn't Know

1. It Became Illegal To Train Them After The Battle Of Jakku

Stormtrooper Secrets Star Wars Wet Weather Trooper Death Trooper

While our heroes may celebrate like they've just brought an end to the Galactic Empire in the wake of taking out the Death Star II in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, the war did actually carry on a little while longer post-Battle of Endor.

Ultimately, the Battle of Jakku was the final fight of the Galactic Civil War, with the New Republic finally bringing down the Empire on the desert planet. 

But what happened to the stormtrooper following on from that final defeat?

Well, according to Episode VII - The Force Awakens' Visual Dictionary, the Galactic Concordance peace treaty signed to conclude the war included a number of important terms. And along with things like stopping the fighting between the Empire and New Republic, the recruitment and training of stormtroopers was now strictly prohibited, too.

The Empire were also forced to shut down their Imperial Academies after their monumental "L".

In other words, for a while there, stormtroopers were technically illegal. Though that still didn't stop the First Order from eventually rising from the ashes of the Empire and unleashing their own waves of white-plated troopers later down the road, did it?

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