Star Wars: 10 Side Characters Who Totally Stole Their Scenes
4. Sebulba - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Star Wars Episode I gets more hate than any Star Wars film - and for good reason. As a science fiction film, it is merely campy and forgettable, but as a Star Wars film, it is almost offensive. While it has enough genuine brilliance to not completely soil the legacy of its franchise, it has to work extra hard to redeem its worst bits. And one of the characters that helps is Sebulba, Anakin's podracing rival.
From his first appearance, Sebulba has an automatically memorable character design - his leg placement being the most striking part of it. He makes for an immediately menacing presence, as he intimidates Anakin and sabotages his pod right before the race is going to start. During the race itself, it is thrilling to watch how violent and dirty his tricks are, making the stakes impressively high for a sporting event.
And did I mention he beats up Jar Jar? Because that may be the best thing about this whole character. He beats up Jar Jar. Maybe not as much as we really want him to, but it's still a glorious thing to see.