Star Wars: 10 Side Characters Who Totally Stole Their Scenes

5. Zam Wesell - Attack Of The Clones (2002)

Star Wars FN-2199 Tr-8R

While it is the weakest Star Wars film by a wide margin, the first half of Attack of the Clones shows promise. It seems that Lucas is halfheartedly trying to go for a detective angle on the storyline. Obi-Wan's investigation of this plot leads through the seedy underground of Coruscant to the rain swept world of Kamino. While it ends up being something of a let down, the chase that opens it is the highlight of the film, thanks largely to Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter we barely know.

Star Wars has a bit of a problem with female characters - mostly they are relegated to the sidelines or used as love interests. So with that in mind, Zam Wesell is a great example of a female villain who takes matters into her own hands and holds her own in a chase with two Jedi. Throughout this chase scene, the audience has no idea who she is or why she tried to kill Padme, and it is extremely fun to watch Jedi take on a bounty hunter who is not a Fett.

Also, she has one of the most strange and interesting death scenes of any character in the series. The changeling character design highlights her mystique, and makes us think there is a more interesting story that Lucas isn't telling us behind this enigmatic killer.

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Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.