Star Wars: 10 Spin-Off Movies We'd Like To See

9. Boba Fett: Bounty Hunter

A Boba Fett movie could be downright brilliant in the right hands. I€™ve suggested before that Christopher Nolan could be the perfect filmmaker to bring this down-on-his-luck bounty hunter back to the hearts of cinema-goers, and I still think that would be a perfect match. After his unceremonious dumping in the Sarlacc Pit during Return Of The Jedi and that underwhelming origin story from Attack Of The Clones, Boba Fett direly needs a top-notch action movie to make him cool again. Imagine Bourne levels of visceral fight scenes blended with the best sci-fi visuals Lucasfilm can muster and you€™ve got a pretty damn bankable property on your hands, surely? In terms of story positioning, one possible option would be to jump in after Return Of The Jedi with Boba bursting out of the Sarlacc in one hell of a mood. Maybe he vows revenge on Han Solo for unwittingly dumping him there, or perhaps he just wanders into the wilderness in search of his next paycheque. (In the current canon, it's suggested that Boba truly died in the Sarlacc - but who believes that?) Alternatively, a Boba Fett movie could be placed shortly prior to Return Of The Jedi, chronicling the bounties he hunted while Han Solo was trapped in carbonite. In either case, the filmmakers could also use flashbacks to the time between Attack Of The Clones and A New Hope to show how the young Boba became a ruthless bounty hunter. They'd need to tread carefully, though, as the mystique of this character has already been tarnished once.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.