Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters Of All Time
2. Meetra Surik/The Jedi Exile
Going back to the time of the Old Republic, Meetra Surik was a Jedi Master who received training from all-time powerful Force-users like Kreia and Revan, so it's no surprise she in turn became an incredibly strong Jedi.
After fighting in the Mandalorian Wars, she severed her connection with the Force, becoming known as the Jedi Exile. Returning after a decade away, she was instrumental in defeating the powerful Sith Triumverate of Darths Nihilus, Traya, and Sion.
With her connection to the Force-restored, she began training others - for which she had a unique gift for - and those she trained were instrumental in rebuilding the Jedi Order. As further example of her power, she was capable of quickly learning rare techniques such as mind reading, breath control, and animal bonds, which took some Jedi a lifetime to master.