Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters

3. Jaina Solo

Being a descendent of Anakin Skywalker more or less guarantees that you€™ll be a complete badass but Han and Leia€™s daughter Jaina really takes it to a new level. From a young age she proved herself to be an ace pilot and, at the age of 17, used her Force connection with her brothers Jacen and Anakin to enhance these skills when they flew TIE Fighters in the first battle of the galaxy€™s devastating war with the Yuuzhan Vong, expertly luring a number of Vong ships into an asteroid field where they were all destroyed. When the war with the Vong began in earnest Solo constantly fought on the front lines, proving to be such a powerful force on the battlefield and in space that the Vong began to believe that she was an avatar of their trickster god Yun-Harla, a belief that she and the rest of the New Republic encouraged as a form of psychological warfare. Her actions during the Vong War earned her the title "Sword Of The Jedi" and cemented her as a crucial part of both the New Jedi Order and Rogue Squadron. The political upheaval following the end of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong sparked a second Galactic Civil War and led to Jaina€™s brother Jacen falling to the dark side and murdering Mara Jade. Because Luke Skywalker feared that if he fought Jacen, he would strike in anger, the duty of killing Jacen fell to Jaina. After a fierce duel on Jacen€™s flagship the Anakin Solo, Jaina struck him down, effectively ending the war. After the Second Galactic Civil War, she continued to be a guiding light of the Jedi Order and eventually married Galactic Emperor Jagged Fel, more than living up to her family€™s legacy.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.