Star Wars: 10 Strongest Female Characters

4. Shaak Ti

Apart from having an impractically large head, Jedi Master Shaak Ti is definitely one of Star Wars universe€™s best female characters. She first appeared in Attack Of The Clones where she did pretty much nothing and her scenes in Revenge Of The Sith (which both involved her being stabbed in the back with a Lightsaber) were cut so, like most of the characters on this list, it€™s the Expanded Universe where she really makes her mark. Rattling off a list of characters achievements is far from the best way of doing this, but here it€™s the only real way to show how awesome she really is: She fights in numerous battles during the Clone Wars including two duels with General Grievous and escapes the raid on the Jedi Temple led by Anakin and the Republic€™s most elite battalion of Clones. Nearly twenty years after this, she is living on the swamp planet of Felucia in harmony with the Force-sensitive natives and training an apprentice until Darth Vader€™s apprentice Starkiller arrives to assassinate her. She puts up a good fight and is eventually beaten. But rather than letting him kill her, she instead jumps into a Sarlacc Pit after managing to thoroughly rattle him by correctly predicting that Vader will betray him. Her death and subsequent lack of influence causes the whole planet to become twisted by the Dark Side, meaning that she was effectively the planet€™s anchor to the Light Side of the Force. And if you need any more proof of how much of badass she is: when we first see her in The Force Unleashed, she€™s riding a freaking Rancor! Case closed.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.