Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

5. Kyber Crystals Don't Actually Power Lightsabers

Qui Gon Force Ghost

Where would a Jedi Knight be without their trusty weapon of choice, eh?

No doubt left to use those uncivilised blasters, among other less impressive things.

But a common misconception when it comes to the majestic lightsaber is that said laser sword is actually entirely powered by the sacred Kyber Crystal that sits at its core.

While the precious and mystical crystal is still massively vital when it comes to the construction of this highly personal blade, it's not actually the driving force behind a lightsaber coming to life at the push of a button.

A Kyber Crystal is known for being able to channel power from sources nearby. And said crystal does exactly this within a lightsaber, converting the energy given off from a Diatium Power Cell - which pretty much acts as the weapons reliable battery.

So, simply loading up a lightsaber with a Kyber Crystal isn't actually enough to power a Jedi's unmistakable laser blade. That being said, it's still the absolute heart of the legendary weapon and is clearly among the prettiest damn gems in the land!

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