Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

6. Being A Jedi Wasn't That Common At All During The Clone Wars

Qui Gon Force Ghost

A quick glance at the galaxy during the time of the Clone Wars tells the story of just about every living being occupying the various planets found within the Star Wars universe finding themselves on the path to becoming a Jedi at one point or another.

All jokes aside, there's no questioning the fact that Jedi Knights weren't anywhere near as rare in the Prequel era as they'd end up being around the time of the Original Trilogy and beyond.

But even before Order 66 purged much of the galaxy of its protectors, Jedi were still actually far more uncommon than they're made to look in Episodes I-III and the various animated series.

Despite hitting the staggering number of 10,000 strong during their Galactic Republic heyday, that number of Jedi absolutely pales in comparison to the overall population of sentient beings in the galaxy far, far away.

Before Legends was eclipsed by Canon upon Disney acquiring Lucasfilm, the galaxy's population sat at one hundred quadrillion (!). And even in the Canon age, it's said that there are millions of sentient species.

So, that alone makes the idea of being one of the lucky 10,000 to step into a Jedi Academy feel like one hell of a lottery to win!

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