Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

3. There Isn't Just One Jedi Council

Qui Gon Force Ghost

Likely not helped by the fact that the average Star Wars supporter has likely only ever been exposed to the version of the council seen occupying a circular room on Coruscant, you'd be forgiven for assuming that said collection of Jedi Masters was the only one of its kind within the galaxy.

In actual fact, what Force-loving folks are seeing in the Prequel Trilogy is the collection of masters known as the Jedi High Council; one of FOUR different councils within the Order's HQ on Coruscant.

That most commonly known council consisted of 12 Jedi Masters, one being the Grand Master, with this group governing the entire Order as a whole.

Elsewhere, The Council of First Knowledge were in charge of the curriculum of the Temple, the Jedi Archives and gaining ancient Jedi wisdom. The Council of Reconciliation worked with the Galactic Senate to resolve interplanetary issues. And lastly, The Council of Reassignment largely found themselves being tasked with the job of reassigning Force-sensitive younglings with work should they not be granted the rank of padawan - well, someone's got to do it, right?

So, contrary to how it may seem, Yoda and the gang weren't the only ones who spent much of their days scratching their chins on a comfy chair.

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