Star Wars: 10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Jedi

2. They Are Not Actually Celibate

Qui Gon Force Ghost

The Jedi bang, too. And that's actually... fine?

What isn't necessarily "fine" in the eyes of the Order is the idea of forming an emotional attachment to a partner. So, in other words, a purely physical act of getting down to it in a casual sense isn't seen as a rule-breaking offence in the slightest.

And as George Lucas himself would note to the BBC a few decades ago, "Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."

There you have it then.

Despite many being quick to assume that Anakin Skywalker's (rom)antics with Padmé Amidala throughout the Prequels were seen as an all-round big no-no in the eyes of his Jedi Masters, it was just the falling in love and attachment aspect of his forbidden relationship with the one-time Queen that would have gotten him in trouble.

Turns out that Mark Hamill was also under the impression Luke Skywalker also didn't exactly die a virgin in the galaxy far, far away either, so who knows what steamy Tales of the Jedi could be around the corner before long, eh?

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