Star Wars: 10 Things I Learnt At My First Celebration

8. You'll Just See Celebrities Just Milling About (If You Know Who To Look For)

Star Wars Kelly Marie Tran

Although it'd be pretty much impossible for the likes of John Boyega or Mark Hamill to go out on the convention floor without being instantly mobbed, it was still possible to see a wide-range of Star Wars royalty away from the panels embracing their inner fan and going around the exhibits (and this is ignoring the massive signing floor).

One day I saw Dave Filloni just stood posing for pictures with a gang cosplaying as the crew of the Ghost, then the next Tiya Sircar, who plays Sabine in Rebels. As I left on the Sunday I saw Peter Mayhew jetting across to his hotel, while a guy I got chatting too had nothing but nice words to say about Warwick Davis from the day before.

The highlight for me was bumping into Kelly Marie Tran, set to be massive when Episode VIII hits, who was quietly milling about on the last day and enjoying what will in future be a rare case of anonymity. I only recognised her based on her work for College Humor (and having written about her a couple of times since the casting announcement), but by next Celebration she'll be a panel mainstay.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.