Star Wars: 10 Things I Learnt At My First Celebration

7. You'll End Up With Merchandise Whether You Want It Or Not

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Despite being a big film fan and having a particular interest in geek properties, but I'm really not one for collecting merchandise. I have a couple of choice bits (and the odd t-shirt), but I've always fancied spending my money on experiences (and beer) over more trinkets.

As such, I didn't buy a single thing at Celebration, yet I still ended up with a fair bit of swag from Celebration that serve as little pieces of nostalgic trinkets. While attending any panel at the fan stage you got a coin (with a snazzy A-Wing design), while those in attendance at the Rogue One panel got a lovely print of that amazing poster. I also wound up with a LEGO polybag, because it seems like every Star Wars press event gives out LEGO (without even trying I've almost got a complete collection of MicroFighters).

The point being, there's a lot of free stuff if you know where to look - I didn't even bother taking Topps up on their daily free card sets. And why would you buy regular merch anyway? It's probably cheaper on Amazon.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.