Star Wars: 10 Things That Didn’t Go The Way George Lucas Wanted

4. Letting Ewoks Bring Down An Empire

George Lucas Star Wars Sequels

As already noted, Lucas' Original Trilogy is widely regarded as one of the most celebrated cinematic feats in moviemaking history.

Yet, that's not to say that each and every component of this inter-galactic machine completely clicked with the paying public out of the gates. In fact, the sight of a bunch of teddy bears taking down the big bad Empire that had been wreaking havoc on the galaxy for three films was divisive to say the least during Return of the Jedi.

Lucas has gone on record to defend the inclusion of the Ewoks in the Battle of Endor over a previously planned Wookiee population by stating that they were merely a way of distracting the Imperial troops, but that still wasn't enough to convince most that these cuddly souls possessed the fire power to hold off the most advanced army of the time.

In reality, the Ewoks were likely designed as little more than a way to appeal to the younger demographic and sell some stuffed toys upon release. But either way, they still sit as another of the rare opinion-splitters in this generally cherished Original Trilogy.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...