Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Anakin Skywalker

3. Leonardo DiCaprio And Christian Bale Nearly Played Him

Anakin Skywalker
Lucasfilm / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Since taking our planet by storm with his Original Trilogy, just about every actor known to mankind has been doing everything in their power to become part of George Lucas' galaxy far, far away.

So, when the time came to finally have the mighty Anakin Skywalker strut his stuff as an adult on the live action stage, pretty much every rising star in the industry was in line to play Obi-Wan's padawan in the Prequels.

Among this star-studded roster were the likes of Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio. While Leo would ultimately pass up on the chance to swing a blue blade about for a few blockbuster offerings, Bale was said to have been Lucas' first choice for the part. But it just wasn't meant to be and instead Hayden Christensen would make his own divisive mark - not exactly aided by Lucas' dodgy dialogue - on the Prequels.

Thankfully, the star looks set to revisit the role once more in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series and will no doubt be out to prove his many vocal critics wrong through his long-awaited Skywalker/Vader comeback.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...