Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Anakin Skywalker

2. Droid Wedding Gifts

Anakin Skywalker

Wedding gifts are a tradition not just respected in our universe, but in the inter-galactic world of Star Wars, too.

Yet, in the case of Anakin Skywalker, his lack of possessions in general thanks to his Jedi lifestyle, meant that he didn't exactly have a whole lot to offer in terms of impressive gifts on his secret wedding day. He did, however, possess a certain droid that he just so happened to build with his own two hands. So, Anakin decided to give Padmé Amidala C-3PO on the day of their wedding, with his now-wife returning the favour by handing him possession of a faithful astro-mech known as R2-D2.

This largely explains why Artoo rarely leaves Anakin's side throughout the Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith and why 3PO spends increasingly less time with his creator as the series unfolds.

So, next time you're in need of a last-minute wedding present, why not hand the happy couple or your soon-to-be spouse a trusty protocol droid or astro-mech and let the good times roll?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...