Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Chewbacca

1. He Properly Died In The Expanded Universe

Star Wars Chewbacca claws
Dark Horse

Ending things on a rather depressing note, Star Wars' Expanded Universe actually went and did what The Rise of Skywalker would only dare tease.

13 years before Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, a novel by the name of The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime was published. It was in this story that Han Solo and Chewbacca ended up on the planet Sernpidal, with that world in danger due to its moon being about to collide with it.

However, as the long-time pals attempt to rescue thousands of folks before the moon smashes into Sernpidal, Chewie is soon left on the planet after having to save Han's son Anakin Solo during the evacuation and is killed when the moon finally comes crashing down.

Sure, this heartbreaking death would ultimately be reversed when Disney decided to spend billions on George Lucas' brainchild. But there was definitely a time there when it looked like Chewbacca's days of protecting the galaxy were very much over, with the fallen Wookiee ultimately becoming a legend on his homeworld in the years that followed his heroic sacrifice.

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