Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Sith

3. They Share Their Name With An Alien Species

darth vader immortal

Sticking with that moment in Legends time when Ajunta Pall arrived on the planet Korriban all those years ago, it was here when the exiled Dark Jedi discovered a race of alien beings known as the Sith.

These humanoids - with red skin, facial tentacles, and bone spurs - very much knew the ways of the dark side of the Force. After eventually winning the Korriban natives over with their impressive technology and own ability to control the Force, Pall and the rest of the Exiles would go on to be worshipped by these Sith.

Also, in the wake of Pall becoming the first Dark Lord of the Sith, Pall's followers would then interbreed with the Sith over the years as the Sith Empire continued to grow.

There's actually a Sith race present in the current Star Wars canon universe, too. These similarly red-skinned and tentacled aliens are also known for using the dark side of the Force. But fans are still yet to see either version of the original Sith in the galaxy far, far away on the big or small screen. Yet.

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