Star Wars: 10 Things You Learn Re-Watching Rogue One

1. It's The Least Fun Star Wars Movie... And That's A Good Thing

Star Wars Rogue One

Rogue One is a dark movie. It's a Star Wars film younger fans should definitely watch unaccompanied. It's a film which is relatively light on action until the final third, is consistently downcast in tone and has an ending, in which everyone dies. To be honest, it's occasionally a little dull. Overall it's not a particularly fun blockbuster. But that's why Rogue One is special.

Certain reviews have dismissed Rogue One as safe and workmanlike, but it really isn't. The dark tone, slow pacing and numerous emotional moments make it a considerably more risky blockbuster than many give it credit for.

In the end, Rogue One is a bittersweet story about a crew of likable rebels who give their lives for their cause. The end is tragic, but it's also uplifting as audiences know the positive consequences of the rebels' actions. It shows the darker side of Star Wars, but also shows how hope exists even in such dark times. Perhaps most notably of all, knowing the sacrifice that happened to get the plans, one will never watch A New Hope the same way again.

On the whole, after a second viewing, Rogue One is still a thought-provoking, thrilling and daring new chapter in the franchise and despite its flaws, it uses the Star Wars mythology to tell a human and poignant story of oppression, hope and sacrifice in a truly impressive way.

Let's just enjoy it before the already-beginning backlash kicks in.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.