Star Wars: 10 Things You Learn Re-Watching Rogue One

2. The Parallels With The Real World

Star Wars Rogue One

Not only is this something that becomes clearer the second time, but it is something the writers have acknowledged: it may be set in a galaxy far away, but Rogue One's parallels with current events are evident.

The film is about a totalitarian, tyrannical and white-supremacist empire made up of corrupt politicians and human monsters and a group of oppressed minority figures battling against them. Add in the way that the film can be seen as a gritty war film and Rogue One starts to feel like a film closely linked with the political turmoil of the real world.

Could the film be a sneaky reference to Donald Trump? Now-deleted tweets by the film's screenwriters certainly linked the Empire to white supremacy and the rebels to multiculturalism.

Another thing one may notice is that the Death Star blasts have clear links to nuclear weapons. On both Jedha and Scarif, the Death Star blast manifests itself a mushroom cloud similar to a nuclear blast. In this way, the film could be interpreted as a warning against the dangers of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Also, with the nuclear-like weapon being used on the Middle East-like moon of Jedha, one can't help but think of the West's destructive actions in the Middle East. Whatever the writers' intentions were, Rogue One is undoubtedly a film with strong ties to the real world and one which feels relative in today's turbulent political climate.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.