Star Wars: 10 Things You Learn Re-Watching Rogue One

7. The Villain Isn's As Bad As You Remember

Star Wars Rogue One

Director Krennic mainly seemed to be either criticized or forgotten in many reviews. In terms of villains, this is Vader's film without a doubt and most were either focusing on him or on the creepy CGI Grand Moff Tarkin. However, the second time round, Director Krennic comes across a lot better as a villain.

What's refreshing about him is that he's a human being. There's no dodgy CGI, there's no beam in the sky, there's no maniacal laughter. It's just a corrupt politician trying to rise up through the ranks and impress his superiors. In today's era where seemingly every political system is full of problems, such a character is very topical.

Admittedly, he doesn't feel like much of a threat, but the stakes are high for the rebels due to the threat of the Empire as a whole, so that isn't really a problem.

There being a realistic villain lends a real humanism to the film and adds to the film's tone as a gritty war film instead of an explosive sci-fi film with clear cut good and evil characters. Sure, he's far from perfect, but Director Orson Krennic isn't as boring as he seemed the first time round, and let's not forget his awesome scene with Darth Vader.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.