Star Wars: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Emperor Palpatine

4. Darth Vader's Suit Is A Punishment

Star Wars Palpatine

In the climactic battle of Revenge of the Sith, the fallen Anakin Skywalker is defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar, resulting in the loss of his remaining limbs and the scorching of his body. This resulted in him having to wear the iconic suit seen throughout the original trilogy, fully embracing the Darth Vader persona.

Darth Sidious had a direct hand in designing the suit for him, and gave the suit several draw backs as punishments for now being unable to reach his full potential in the Force. While many of the details regarding his suit have not been explored in Canon, works from Legends go to great lengths to explain the suit. While it did function as intended it also ensured that his life would be a living hell.

The noise of his breathing and of the mechanics of the suit made him unable to properly rest or sleep. The bulky shoulder pads made it almost impossible for him to raise his arms over his head. The boots were raised at the back, which offset his centre of balance. Possibly worst of all, the synthetic skin used over his burns was itchy and constantly had to be cleaned of necrotic flesh.

As well as this, Sidious made the suit vulnerable to electricity so that Vader would be prevented from using Force Lightning. It also gave Sidious a sure-fire way to keep Vader in check, as Force Lightning was one of his most proficient abilities. This is ultimately what killed Vader, as he was riddled with Force Lightning throwing Sidious into the second Death Star.

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Hey, Darren here! I'm a Media enthusiast with a strong passion for Film and Video Games. I graduated from Plymouth University in 2019 with a degree in Digital Media Design, and now I am here writing articles.