Star Wars: 10 Things You Need To Know About Rogue One

4. Mads Mikkelsen May Not Be A Villain

There are several rumours floating around regarding Mads Mikkelsen€™s role in Rogue One. Apparently he€™s been signing posters using his character name, Galen. This has some fans believing he could be Galen Marek €“ the Force sensitive protagonist of The Force Unleashed videogames who acted as a secret apprentice to Lord Vader. It€™s worth noting that those games aren€™t currently considered canon, though, and that Rogue One is believed not to focus on Force users. So who could the Hannibal star, so famed for his villainous capabilities, be playing instead? One particularly juicy rumour has him pegged as a reformed assistant to the Empire. According to a rumour from Making Star Wars, Mikkelsen will be a scientist called Galen who helped design the Death Star before having a change of hearts and joining the Rebels. Should this be the case, it€™d chime pretty well with Mikkelsen€™s claims that he€™s "actually not a bad guy" in Rogue One. Anyone who€™s read the Star Wars: Aftermath novel set between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens will know that there€™s plenty of story potential in the idea of an Imperial who jumps ships. Therein, a character called Sinjir Rath Velus goes from Imperial loyalty officer to a bad ass Ronin-type figure who does what he can to thwart his former employers. A similar arc for Mr Mikkelsen in Rogue One could make for great viewing.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.