Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Mace Windu

4. Windo Used A Dangerous Lightsaber Form That Channeled The Dark Side

Mace Windu Purple

Part of the reason Windu was able to fare so well with Palpatine, is because he already sort of used the Dark Side.

Okay, obviously Windu is not an out-and-out Sith Lord. In fact, he’s far from it because Mace Windu was committed to the Jedi Order, almost to a fault. He did, however, use the Dark Side of the Force to his advantage while in combat. This was through his use of the Form VII lightsaber combat known as Vaapad, also called the Ferocity Form.

From VII was known to be a very aggressive form of lightsaber attack. Unlike other lightsaber techniques, Form VII encouraged an unchecked use of emotions. And, if you know anything about Jedi, you know they really hate emotion for some strange reason.

Very few Jedi used Form VII until Windu himself refined the technique in what he dubbed Vaapad. With Vaapad a Jedi would channel their aggressive emotions, like anger, into their combat. It was thought to be dangerous to use, and even Windu was hesitant to allow other Jedi to study the form.

However, his use of Vaapad is probably what allowed him to best Palpatine in their lightsaber duel.


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at