Star Wars: 10 Things You Never Knew About Mace Windu

3. He Could Have Killed Palpatine

Mace Windu Purple

Speaking of Windu’s prowess as a warrior, he was definitely going to kill Palpatine. This isn’t some theoretical discussion either. Windu and Palpatine, famously, squared off in the final installment of the prequel series. Windu is ultimately killed in this duel, but only because of some outside interference.

There is some controversy about whether Palpatine feigned defeat to manipulate Anakin, but let's take a look at that fight. When Windu confronts the Sith Lord, Palpatine dispatches Windu’s three companions in short order. Many have argued that Palpatine does this to focus all his energy on his only true threat- Mace Windu.

Windu and Palpatine engage in a prolonged bout where the Jedi eventually gets the upper hand. Whether this was by Palpatine's nefarious design, or Windu truly bested the Sith the truth is, Windu had Palpatine dead to rights.

If it hadn’t been for little, whiny Anakin, Palpatine would've been Mace Windu’s, and the galaxy would have been a whole lot safer.


John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at