Star Wars: 10 Times Obi-Wan Kenobi Broke His Own Rules

8. His First Battle With Darth Maul

Obi-Wan Phantom Menance

Explored in the pages of the 2015 novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple, some of the Jedi code and its mantra were revealed to the reader. One such rule when training in the light side of the Force is "there is no emotion, there is peace," as these galactic knights must not give in to their emotions or it could distort their focus on the task at hand.

But before becoming the elderly man who would train Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi, played by Ewan McGregor, was introduced to a new generation of audiences in the 1999 prequel film, The Phantom Menace, where he gave into his rage for one climactic duel. After being forced to watch his master, Qui-Gon Jin, get mortally wounded at the hands of the film's antagonist, Darth Maul, Kenobi loses his temper and attacks Maul while blinded by his own fury.

While his anger does retreat and he is able to focus on defeating the foe presented before him, Kenobi broke one of the golden rules of the Jedi and gave in to his emotions. This made it possible for Maul to manipulate his opponent's lack of clarity and was able to nearly kill the young Jedi in the process. But looking at his fallen master, Obi-Wan was able to calmly gain back control and came out on top, even if he very nearly met the same fate as Qui-Gon Jin did.

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A writer who enjoys all things animation while dabbling into some gritty sci-fi and fantasy television. Enjoys a Marvel-ous cinematic trip like anyone else and has continued to love Pokémon since the '90s.