Star Wars: 10 Times Obi-Wan Kenobi Broke His Own Rules

7. His First Encounter With Darth Vader

Obi-Wan Phantom Menance

According to the activity book, Ultimate Factivity Collection: Star Wars, Jedi knights must not give in to fear or they may fall into the despair of the dark side. Despite showing no such emotion from his countless battles against droid soldiers, General Grievous, and Count Dooku, Obi-Wan would soon learn of the power of fear when he is confronted by his former apprentice.

In the third episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, the Jedi is chased into the dead of night into a mining pit by Darth Vader, his former apprentice, who taunts him before burning him to exact his revenge for leaving him to die all those years ago. Despite doing his best to confront an important figure in this protagonist's past, Kenobi quickly succumbs to fear as Vader slowly stalks and overpowers him.

Having faced so many impossible odds before, Obi-Wan's actions from the prequel films have haunted him throughout this six-part series as he slowly slips away from his honour as a Jedi while hiding from the Empire. This in turn has made him not just a weak warrior when fighting against Darth Vader, but susceptible to the emotions that he was once able to confront and contain so easily before that ultimately became his downfall from their first major encounter since the film, Revenge of the Sith.

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A writer who enjoys all things animation while dabbling into some gritty sci-fi and fantasy television. Enjoys a Marvel-ous cinematic trip like anyone else and has continued to love Pokémon since the '90s.