Star Wars: 10 Times The Jedi Went Too Far
1. Allowing Politics And Tradition To Become An Obsession

As we've already touched upon in this list, the Jedi weren't always the lightsaber-wielding generals found leading countless clones into battle during the game-changing Clone Wars.
They were once an Order focused on keeping the peace, and listening to the will of the Force. However, as time went by, the Jedi became more and more obsessed with the politics of the galaxy and the old traditions of the Order.
A major example of this came during 85 BBY, when Master Sifo-Dyas and Dooku attempted to save the people of Protobranch after the former had experienced visions of the planet's destruction via impending solar storm. The Jedi Council turned down their request, however, due to the fact they believed Force visions to be not absolute.
Ultimately, in one of many cases of the Republic and Jedi Order not having their priorities in order, the population of Protobranch was inevitably decimated by the storm, with the Republic expressing more concern over the loss of resources than the people lost on the planet. This event understandably infuriated the eventual apprentice of Darth Sidious, nudging him ever-closer to the dark side, and acted as a precursor for the sort of questionable decision-making that would become a mainstay during the Order's final years.
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