Star Wars: 10 Times The Jedi Went Too Far
2. Embracing The Culture Of Detachment Too Much

One of the major pillars held dear to the Jedi seen throughout the era of the Galactic Republic was the complete and utter detachment from emotion and relationships.
Forbidding Jedi to embrace their feelings or forging emotional connections to other beings eventually led to the Order becoming a cold, politically orientated organisation.
This wasn't always the case, however, as during the High Republic times Jedi fully understood the need for an emotional bond between Master and Padawan, and even their fellow masters and Jedi Knights.
At this time, the Jedi still understood that attachments could eventually open the door to the dark side, but opted to advise Padawans to leave behind these connections once they became fully fledged members of the Order, rather than making them forbidden from the second they began their training.
Had they followed a similar approach during the Galactic Republic times, perhaps Anakin Skywalker wouldn't have felt so isolated from the moment he left his mother behind - a way of feeling that would ultimately grow into him completely giving in to the emotions he'd been told were off limits for so long.