Star Wars: 10 Times The Jedi Went Too Far
3. Abducting Children From Their Homes

Imagine casually punching your father's hands in your living room as a child and admittedly showing some boxing potential, only for a trainer to suddenly show up and insist you come with them and complete your training for the greater good.
Well, that's pretty much what goes down whenever a Jedi picks up the scent of a Force-sensitive youngster. Then, after convincing the parents of the child in question that they must come with them due to "their higher purpose", the kid spends the next decade of their life being indoctrinated into an Order they didn't ask to be a part of.
On top of this, these younglings are generally not permitted to return home for visits, leaving families devastated and the majority of the Jedi in training feeling little to nothing for the people who brought them into the world in the first place. Charming.
As far as recruitment to the light side goes, there must be a less immoral way of approaching this sensitive matter.