Star Wars: 10 Worst Crimes Committed In Its Name

7. Helping to Buy Drugs, Yoda Will Not

9-inch-Talking-Yoda-3076 With Star Wars fever at an all-time high in May 1999, lots of stores capitalized by creating Star Wars displays. This explains why a California supermarket created a fuzzy, $4,000 Yoda display presumably as a way to sell more Star Wars Cookbooks. What the store did not intend was that someone would actually steal the Yoda display. Two thieves confiscated the 865-year-old Jedi master as part of a plan to acquire marijuana. The thieves were only partially successful with one of them getting caught by police several hours later. The other thief was never caught and unfortunately the Yoda display was never found again as well. Could it be like his namesake in Return of the Jedi, this display is also now "one with the Force?"
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Writer, movie fan, sports nerd. Particularly love sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings). Love in-depth discussion of films that goes into detail, especially about character motivation. Sometimes wish I was British. Journalism major with psychology minor. You can follow me on twitter @James__Reagan.