3. The Force is Strong With This One

For hardcore Star Wars fans, toy lightsabers are among the coolest things ever. There's just something so cool about wielding a Jedi's weapon and pretending that you're deflecting lasers blasts or fighting in an epic lightsaber duel. Really it's quite understandable for a kid or even an overly zealous adult to test a toy lightsaber out in a toy store. What's not understandable is breaking the Jedi code by attacking Toys R Us patrons with a toy lightsaber. That's what happened in a Portland store when David Canterbury harassed three people with a pair of toy lightsabers, eventually causing so much of a disturbance that the police were called. Canterbury was still out of hand though and the police were forced to use a taser on him. Amazingly, Canterbury blocked a wire from the taser before the police were able to subdue him. Canterbury would go on to banned from all Toys R Us stores and he pleaded no contest to fourth-degree assault as well as resisting assault charges.