Star Wars: 10 Worst Crimes Committed In Its Name

4. May The (Police) Force Not Be With You

yoda-logo Given the 16 year drought that preceded its release, The Phantom Menace was probably the Star Wars film to inspire the most crime. Especially in the months preceding its release, some Star Wars fans were just unable to contain their excitement, so they lashed out by doing stupid things like stealing the Star Wars merchandize that was seemingly falling from the sky. One Ohio mother and her son took out their excitement in a very inappropriate way by stealing Pepsi promo signs that featured Phantom Menace characters. Thankfully their robbery didn't go further than that and both Shiella Moffett and James Zawacki were shortly apprehended. What's makes this even more creepy was a cassette tape (yes, this was when those still existed) found by the police officers. On that tape, the mother and son display a creepy mother-son relationship that is clearly very much obsessed with Star Wars. The son says in Yoda-speak, "We are bandits in the night." The mother then replies by saying, "Yoda is accomplice to burglary. May the police force not be with us."
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Writer, movie fan, sports nerd. Particularly love sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings). Love in-depth discussion of films that goes into detail, especially about character motivation. Sometimes wish I was British. Journalism major with psychology minor. You can follow me on twitter @James__Reagan.