Star Wars: 10 Worst Things The Jedi Ever Did

1. Taking Children From Their Families

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As part of not having attachments, Jedi are not allowed to have families. In order to ensure that there are no bonds between a Jedi and their family, the Order takes Force sensitive younglings from their parents at a very young age. The parents often never see their child again, and the child grows to feel nothing towards their parents.

These younglings rarely, if ever, get to visit their families after joining the Order. Such isolation can lead to disaster, such as Shmi's death because Anakin was never allowed to visit her on Tatooine. This can also be harmful to the parents, who, after giving up their child, will never be able to have a relationship with them.

Imagine being a Jedi youngling's parent, being told that your child is Force sensitive and could become a Jedi, but then you'd never be able to see them again. The Jedi force these random people to make huge decisions regarding their child, and their strict code preventing relationships between parents and children causes more harm than good.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.