Star Wars: 10 Worst Things The Jedi Ever Did

5. Perpetuating The War

Star Wars Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano Trial

Barriss Offee bombed the Jedi temple, killing many and framing her former friend Ahsoka for the crime. This act of terrorism resulted in Barriss's eventual imprisonment and expulsion from the Jedi Order.

However, Barriss's motivations for her heinous misdeeds actually make some sort of sense. It doesn't' excuse her wrongdoings, but this longtime Padawan grew frustrated with the Jedi's perpetuation of the Clone War. She saw them as responsible for the war, and resented that the so-called "peacekeepers" had fallen so far from the light.

Ahsoka herself has even reflected on Barriss's hatred of the Jedi, taking her criticisms against the Order seriously. In the novel Ahsoka, set after the title character leaves the Jedi Order, she talks about how the stubbornness of the Jedi in regards to the Clone Wars led to Palpatine's takeover.

Though Barriss's methodology was evil, she was right that the Jedi were in dire need of a course correction, and they were too blind to their own hubris to see it.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.