Star Wars: 5 Most Evil Things Emperor Palpatine Has Done

2. Gave Tarkin Control Of The Death Star

Emperor Palpatine

Grand Moff Tarkin formerly fought for the Republic during the Clone Wars, and was a ruthless strategist. He was one of few people whom knew Darth Vader's past life as Anakin Skywalker, and was incredibly powerful within the Empire.

He was brutal, ambitious, and fiercely loyal to the Emperor. As such, he ruled as Governor of his system with an iron fist, insisting that fear would keep other star systems in line with the Empire. He used the Death Star's devastating laser cannon on a whim, ensuring the destruction of Jedha City, Scarif, Alderaan and ordering the decimation of Yavin 4.

Had the Emperor not given control of the battle station over to Grand Moff Tarkin, then no doubt countless billions of lives would have been spared from the cruel clutches of the Empire.

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