Star Wars: 5 Most Evil Things Emperor Palpatine Has Done

1. Sparked The Clone Wars

Emperor Palpatine

Acting as Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate and as Darth Sidious, the puppet-master behind Count Dooku and the Separatists, Palpatine ensured that the Clone Wars would be a win-win situation for him.

If the Separatists won the war, he would be in control of the galaxy through Count Dooku, and if the Republic won then he would remain in control of the Senate, and the galaxy. Either way, he would be able to create his Galactic Empire. All of the deaths in the Clone Wars, and all of the planets that were ravaged and war-torn were all so that Palpatine could ascend to power, and declare himself Emperor.

He planned for decades, and sewed the seeds of war over many years. All those billions of deaths, and the fall of the Jedi Order, just so Palpatine could achieve his own ends. The sheer number of lives lost in this merciless war is truly the greatest evil committed by Palpatine.

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