Star Wars: 5 Reasons Why Joe Johnston Should Direct Boba Fett Movie

2. Restore the Coolness

Boba Fett We all know that someone desperately needs to bring the cool factor back into the Star Wars fold. The appearance of Boba Fett as a little boy damaged the mystique around the shadowy character. We need to see Boba as the bad-ass we know he is and he was truly imagined to be. Johnston can bring the coolness factor back because he is so inter-connected with the character€™s creation. Plus, he€™s got the track record to prove it. Many comic fans were happy with the depiction of Captain America, something that could have been trashed if not handled correctly. Johnston created a film that received generally positive reviews that featured a character revered by millions. If he could do it for Captain America, he can do it with Boba Fett.

Anthony Aggimenti has written, produced, and directed short films that have been screened at a variety of film festivals and on television. He is a graduate of New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he received a BFA in Film/TV Production and a minor in Political Science. Anthony is currently working on several feature length screenplays including a crime comedy, sci-fi/horror, and 1940s period piece. He seeks financiers, producers, agents, or others that may make his celluloid dreams a reality. Anthony loves all types of films, current events/politics, and the global game - soccer, football, calcio or whatever you personally call it! You may contact the author via email at