Star Wars: 6 Ways Hayden Christensen Could Appear In Episode VIII

6. Anakin's Going To Be Cloned

Cloning has been a part of the Star Wars mythos since back with the first movie when Luke and Obi-Wan discussed the Clone Wars. For The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas considered having a team of cloned troopers led by Boba Fett (himself also a clone). Between trilogies there were rumours Obi-1 was really a clone of a great Jedi. Pretty much every great character killed too early, from Darth Maul to Palpatine, has been brought back in expanded material. In Attack Of The Clones, the clones, well, y'know... The point is, while cloning is often a contrived narrative device akin to time travel in its laziness, it's something intrinsic to the Star Wars universe and thus a genuine way Anakin, or any character for that matter, could be brought back. In fact, this regrettably makes a lot more sense than you'd first think. It would conveniently explain why Christensen is being trained up - if he's back in full form he'll probably be in some action scenes and the actor is ten years out of practice - which is one of the stranger elements of the rumour. And there's actually been rumours about Kylo Ren's plan in The Force Awakens in this vein, although there's still no shaking that sense of it being a little contrived even for Star Wars.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.