Star Wars 7: 5 Ways Disney Is Wasting The Saga's Potential

2. They Seem Intent On Not Branching Out From Existing Material

Continuing on from the last point, Disney's rumoured standalone films have seemed remarkably unimaginative so far. Sure, it appears that Boba Fett will get his own film, something that no one can argue with, but do we really need to see a Yoda origin story? Or watch a movie where a young, re-casted Han Solo meets Chewbacca. Isn't there more Disney can do with this universe besides revisit the same characters over and over again? How about something like a Star Wars gangster movie, with entirely new characters? Or how about something set during the Old Republic's Jedi-Sith wars, or a TV show taking place from the point of view of the Imperials, or a look at the behind the scenes drama between Jabba's dancing girls? Okay, that last one was a joke, but the point is that the universe Lucas has created lends itself to so much more than the continual rehashing that it appears Disney will make it into. A little imagination and creativity would go a long way in helping Disney make the most out of the Star Wars universe.

I love movies, literature, history, music and the NBA. I love all things nerdy including but not limited to Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, and Firefly. My artistic idols are Dylan, Dostoevsky, and Malick and my goal in life is to become like Bernard Black from Black Books. When I die, I hope to turn into the space baby from 2001: A Space Odyssey.