Star Wars: 7 Dumbest Moments In The Expanded Universe

2. The Overall Plot Of Knights Of The Old Republic

knights of the old republic This is a really great game. It€™s fantastic. It€™s interesting, and has history, and a fantastic reveal towards the end. But in hindsight, it makes Jedi look like idiots. The idea behind the twist is that the Jedi captured a Sith called Darth Revan, wiped her memory, and then stuck her in a Republic ship. The plot of the game is that she makes her way back to the Jedi, having discovered her own Force potential. The Jedi then train her up as a Jedi and send her on a dangerous mission. The Jedi took a Sith lord, set her loose in the galaxy, and then TRAINED HER UP WITH DANGEROUS SKILLS AND SET HER LOOSE AGAIN. That€™s unspeakably dumb.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at