Star Wars: 7 Epic Moments That Were Utterly Ruined By The Prequels

Hand Cut Off It isn't exactly groundbreaking to hate on the prequels: it's been done before and it will certainly be done again. The only trouble is that it's so easy to do now that it's hard to tell whether the hating is actually fun or just a little bit tragic. Probably both, if we're honest. It's not hard to be reasonable and to forgive some of the biggest errors with the films, and let others slide on the back of assumed logic. So what if R2D2 was more advanced in the prequels - he obviously broke and couldn't be fixed to the same standard. And yes, the Stormtroopers have terrible aim, but that's probably because the clone model died too early for the Empire to find out that his reflexes would start to go south when he hit middle age. But, for every justification, there's probably a hundred less easily explained issues, and there's only so much compromising can be done, without destroying some fundamental ideals of humanity. The answer of course is to view the Star Wars films in the order they were made, rather than chronologically, as they make much more sense, because frankly, the alternative isn't worth thinking about. If viewed from I-IV in order, many of the moments that made the original movies great in the first place will just seem stupid. Here are just some of them. Warning: Clearly, there are going to be spoilers within, but then if you haven't seen Star Wars yet, you're probably not going to get around to it.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .