Star Wars: 7 Epic Moments That Were Utterly Ruined By The Prequels

7. Binary Sunset - A New Hope

Binary Sunset One of our very first sightings of Luke Skywalker is a gripe to his uncle in what is possibly the most quintessential example of a whine ever to come out of a human body. "I was going to the Tosche station to pick up some power converters!" is a surprisingly quotable line, and it took a scene like Luke's contemplative gaze into the two setting suns of Tatooine to redeem him. The swelling score certainly didn't hurt, and the binary sunset has become one of the most iconic scenes of A New Hope. So, naturally, they did it all over again in the prequel trilogy, and thus robbed the iconic scene of its unique impact. In Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan comes to Tatooine to deliver baby Luke to his ill-fated aunt and uncle, who accept the infant with surprising willingness and stand before the horizon to stare contemplatively into the setting of the suns, a familiar twinkle of music in the background. To be fair, it could just be something that people do on Tatooine: everyone needs a moment of calm contemplation after a day of moisture farming and power converting.
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