Star Wars: 7 Epic Moments That Were Utterly Ruined By The Prequels

6. Vader And Obi-Wan Duel - A New Hope

star wars One of the greatest scenes of A New Hope was the lightsaber duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was also, of course, the first lightsaber duel in cinematic history. There was meaty, engaging dialogue and menace and a few fancy spin moves, and we were all blown away. The duel was in a relatively stable environment and it lacked any displays of computer-enhanced Parkour, but it was still exciting and new and not at all an acrobatic step-down from anything that had come before. I'll admit that the final duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith was pretty amazing, and a few of my reluctant heartstrings were tugged, even with all of the CGI. Nevertheless, there were too many acrobatics for there to be nearly as much emotional resonance as in A New Hope, the film which immediately followed in the Star Wars timeline. Who knew that the fall of the Republic would make everyone so much less gymnastic?
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .