Star Wars: 7 Epic Moments That Were Utterly Ruined By The Prequels

1. There's Good In Vader - Return Of The Jedi

darth vader The plot of Return of the Jedi is... unlikely. Let's break it down a little: recruiting the help of the cuddly Ewoks to battle the Stormtroopers and their advanced weaponry would have packed a considerable element of surprise at least. And loading a single shuttle with Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, and C3P0, when a single enemy shot could take out just about all the most valuable members of the Alliance? That'spretty careless. But then sending all of their fighters out to attack the second Death Star in front of the entire Imperial fleet? Downright stupid. And then there's the decision Luke makes, not to go after the main villain of the series because you think that you sensed a tiny bit of not-evil in him, even though you're totally biased because he's your secret dad. That's not the smartest move. Up until this point, Vader had tortured Leia, tortured and frozen Han in carbonite, choked everyone who gave him a dirty look, chopped off Luke's arm, and tried to turn Luke to the Dark Side. There was literally no hint of good in him, at all. Still, an instinct that his father would not kill him led Luke to spend most of the movie with two powerful Sith lords and led everyone who was watching to wonder what the hell was going to happen. Well, everyone who hadn't heard Padme's last words before she died a rubbish, heart-broken death in Revenge of the Sith and had that massive seed of doubt planted in their head. Of course there was still good in him - the prequels said so. Did we miss any iconic moments from the Star Wars original trilogy that were completely ruined by the prequels? Share your own picks below.
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Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .