When Disney bought the Star Wars franchise late last year and the inevitable new trilogy was announced shortly after, like many fans I felt a multitude of things. Chief among these were exasperation that the saga continues to be milked of all value, but also intrigue as to what the new films will bring to the existing universe, and with the recent announcement by Disney of several spinoff character origin films set in the Star Wars universe, I had a similar reaction. Despite the clearly corporate and financial motives for Disney behind these films, the announcement still got me thinking as to which of the many beloved characters from the saga I would like to see more of. Many of my favourites have relatively obscure or completely omitted beginnings, which I find unusual for the inhabitants of such a large, richly detailed universe. Although admittedly, despite being an avid fanboy of the films, video games and a few other assorted fictions based in the universe, I know pretty much nothing of the expanded universe explored in the novels and so on (I haven't even seen The Clone Wars) meaning that many of the characters in this list may already have been covered. All the same, in no particular order, here are eight characters who I feel could make an origin story work and why. I'll be honest, it was difficult to write this list as I don't really think Star Wars needs a new trilogy, let alone any origin stories. But you can't fight the Mouse and if they're going to do it, I'd at least want them to do it right. Needless to say, Jar Jar Binks didn't make the cut, so I guess we'll never find out specifically what clumsy act led him to be banished from Otoh Gunga, but I think I'll live.